210 R.I. Code R. 210-RICR-20-00-2.15

Current through December 26, 2024
Section 210-RICR-20-00-2.15 - Non-Medicaid Elderly Transportation Program - Specific Services

The following transportation services may be provided to Rhode Island elders by the State's transportation management authority based on the following prioritization. Service provision is contingent upon available state funding.

2.15.1Special Medical Care (Priority 1)

Special medical transportation includes transportation for the purpose of kidney dialysis or cancer treatments. Names of clients to be transported are to be provided to the State's transportation management authority by the medical treatment facility, family, friends, or the client themselves. The State reserves the right to limit special medical transportation based on funding constraints or other programmatic requirements.

2.15.2Adult Day Care (Priority 2)

This category includes transport to and from adult day care centers that are licensed by the Department of Health (DOH). Residences of clients shall be verified by the adult day care center and provided to the State's transportation management authority. The State reserves the right to limit transportation to adult day care centers based on funding constraints or other programmatic requirements.

2.15.3General Medical Care (Priority 3)

This category includes transportation for any medical/health services that are part of a total patient plan of care supervised by a health care professional. Trips eligible under this service category include visits to physicians' offices and dental offices as well as all trips for tests and/or treatments ordered by a health care professional as part of a treatment plan. The State reserves the right to limit general medical transportation based on funding constraints or other programmatic requirements.

2.15.4INSIGHT (Priority 4)
A. This category includes transport to and from INSIGHT, at their INSIGHT service location(s). Riders must be sixty-five (65) years of age or over, have a sight impaired condition and/or presently registered with the INSIGHT agency.
B. Transportation shall be at the discretion of the State and available during the same days and hours as general medical trips. Trip requests must be forwarded to the State's transportation management authority at least forty-eight (48) hours in advance. The State reserves the right to limit transportation to INSIGHT based on funding constraints or other programmatic requirements.
2.15.5Senior Nutrition Transportation (Priority 5)

This category includes transport to and from congregate meal sites for the elderly. The senior nutrition project shall be responsible for securing names and addresses of individuals to be transported. This information shall be forwarded to the State's transportation management authority for scheduling. The nutrition site shall verify residence of all individuals in the geographic area. The State reserves the right to limit transportation to specific meal sites based on funding constraints or other programmatic requirements.

210 R.I. Code R. 210-RICR-20-00-2.15

Adopted effective 1/1/2019
Amended effective 7/22/2020