210 R.I. Code R. 210-RICR-20-00-1.10

Current through December 26, 2024
Section 210-RICR-20-00-1.10 - Medicaid Provider Administrative Sanctions
A. In accordance with R.I. Gen. Laws Chapters 42-35 (The Administrative Procedures Act), and 40-8.2, the EOHHS is authorized to establish administrative procedures to impose sanctions on providers of health services and supplies for any violation of the Rules, Regulations, standards, or laws governing the Rhode Island Medicaid Program. The Federal Government mandates the development of these administrative procedures for the Title XIX Medicaid Program in order to ensure compliance with §§1128 and 1128A of the Social Security Act, 42 U.S.C. §§ 1320a-7 and 1320a-7a, which imposes Federal penalties for certain violations.
B. Sanctionable Violations. All providers of Medicaid and CHIP-funded health care services and supplies are subject to the R.I. Gen. Laws and the Rules and Regulations governing the Medicaid program. Sanctions may be imposed by the EOHHS against a Medicaid provider for any one (1) or more of the following violations of applicable law, Rule, or Regulation:
1. Presenting or causing to be presented for payment any false or fraudulent claim for medical services or supplies.
2. Submitting or causing to be submitted false information for the purpose of obtaining greater compensation than to which the provider is legally entitled.
3. Submitting or causing to be submitted false information for the purpose of meeting prior authorization requirements.
4. Failure to disclose or make available to the Single State Agency or its authorized agent records of services provided to Medicaid recipients and records of payments made for such services.
5. Failure to provide and maintain quality services to Medicaid recipients within accepted medical community standards as determined by an official body of peers.
6. Engaging in a course of conduct or performing an act deemed improper or abusive of the Medicaid Program or continuing such conduct following notification that said conduct should cease.
7. Breach of the terms of a Medicaid provider agreement or failure to comply with the terms of the provider certification of the Medicaid claim form.
8. Overutilizing the Medicaid Program by inducing, furnishing, or otherwise causing a beneficiary to receive services or supplies not otherwise required or requested by the beneficiary.
9. Rebating or accepting a fee or portion of a fee or charge for a Medicaid beneficiary referral.
10. Violating any provisions of applicable Federal and State laws, Regulations, plans, or any Rule or Regulation promulgated pursuant thereto.
11. Submission of false or fraudulent information in order to obtain provider status.
12. Violations of any laws, Regulations, or code of ethics governing the conduct of occupations or professions or regulated industries.
13. Any disqualifying conviction.
14. Failure to meet standards required by State or Federal laws for participation such as licensure and certification.
15. Exclusion from the Federal Medicare program or any State health care program administered by the EOHHS because of fraudulent or abusive practices.
16. A practice of charging beneficiaries or anyone acting on their behalf for services over and above the payment made by the Medicaid Program, which represents full and total payment.
17. Refusal to execute a provider agreement when requested to do so.
18. Failure to correct deficiencies in provider operations after receiving written notice of these deficiencies from the Single State Agency.
19. Formal reprimands or censure by an association of the provider's peers for unethical practices.
20. Suspension or termination from participation in another governmental health care program under the auspices of Workers' Compensation, Office of Rehabilitation Services, Medicare, or any State program administered by the EOHHS or one of the agencies under the EOHHS umbrella.
21. Indictment for fraudulent billing practices or negligent practice resulting in death or injury to the provider's patients.
22. Failure to produce records as requested by the State Agency.
23. Failure to repay or make arrangement for the repayment of identified overpayments or otherwise erroneous payments.
C. Provider Sanctions. Any one (1) or more of the following sanctions may be imposed against providers who have committed any one (1) or more of the sanctionable violations above:
1. Termination from participation in the Medicaid program or any State health care program administered by the EOHHS.
2. Suspension of participation in the Medicaid Program or any State health care program administered by the EOHHS or an agency under the EOHHS umbrella.
3. Suspension or withholding of payments.
4. Transfer to a provider agreement not to exceed twelve (12) months or the shortening of an already existing provider agreement.
5. Prior authorization required before providing any covered medical service and/or covered medical supplies.
6. Monetary penalties.
D. Prepayment audits will be established to review all future claims prior to payment.
E. EOHHS will initiate recovery procedures to recoup any identified overpayment.
F. Except where termination has been imposed, a provider who has been sanctioned may be required to attend a provider education program as a condition of continued participation in any health care program administered by EOHHS.
1. A provider education program will include instruction in:
a. Claim form completion;
b. The use and format of provider manuals;
c. The use of procedure codes;
d. Key provisions of the Medicaid Program;
e. Reimbursement rates; and
f. How to inquire about procedure codes or billing problems.

210 R.I. Code R. 210-RICR-20-00-1.10

Adopted effective 1/20/2023
Amended effective 7/17/2023
Amended effective 3/17/2024