Subchapter 00 - N/A
- Part 1 - Placement of Candidates and Local Referenda/Questions on Election Ballots (100-RICR-20-00-1) (§§ 1.1 — 1.17)
- Part 2 - Rhode Island Restoration of Voting Rights Act of 2006 (RIRVRA) (100-RICR-20-00-2) (§§ 2.1 — 2.8)
- Part 3 - Rules and Regulations of the Rhode Island Secretary of State Establishing the Procedure for the Issuance of Voter Identification Cards (100-RICR-20-00-3) (§§ 3.1 — 3.6)
- Part 4 - Address Confidentiality for Victims of Domestic Violence (100-RICR-20-00-4) (§§ 4.1 — 4.19)
- Part 5 - Rules and Regulations for Local Boards of Canvassers in the Updating of Voter Registration Records (100-RICR-20-00-5) (§ 5.1)