The following words and terms, when used in this chapter, shall have the following meanings unless the context clearly indicates otherwise:
Act-Section 6 of the act of June 20, 1978 (P. L. 477, No. 70) (71 P. S. §§ 581-1-581-12).
Area agency on aging-The single local agency designated within each planning and service area to administer the delivery of a comprehensive and coordinated plan of social and other services and activities; local agencies which have been designated as Area Agencies on Aging are listed in Appendix A to this chapter.
Area plan-The plan submitted to the Department by an Area Agency on Aging describing the methods by which it will ensure a coordinated and comprehensive plan of social and other services and activities in the planning and service area.
Chief elected officials-County commissioners acting collectively, governing bodies of home rule counties, and mayors of cities with a total population of over 100,000.
Department-The Pennsylvania Department of Aging.
Planning and service area-The geographic unit within this Commonwealth, as authorized by the Federal Older Americans Act of 1965, for allocation of funds for the delivery of social services; geographic areas which have been designated as planning and service areas in this Commonwealth are displayed in Appendix B of this chapter.
Secretary-The Secretary of Aging of the Commonwealth.
Units of general purpose local government-Counties, and municipalities with a total population of over 100,000.
6 Pa. Code § 30.2