The following words and terms when used in this chapter, have the following meanings unless the context clearly indicates otherwise:
Act-The act of January 25, 1966 (P. L. 1542(1965)) (71 P. S. §§ 1530.1-1530.7).
Advisory panel-A committee appointed by the Council whose membership is comprised of individuals whose expertise, training, and concern is directed specifically to one or more of the various art forms.
Amendment letter-A letter by which the Council notifies a grantee of changes in the amount, terms, or conditions of a grant.
Award letter-The letter by which the Council notifies a grant applicant that favorable action concerning a grant application has been taken by the Council and which sets forth the terms and conditions of the grant.
Council-The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Council on the Arts.
Grant-The award of financial assistance to an individual, organization, or governmental unit.
Grant agreement-The documents evidencing a grant-that is: application; award letter; grant confirmation; and, if applicable, amendment letter and grant amendment confirmation.
Grant amendment-A change in the terms or conditions of a grant.
Grant amendment confirmation-The document evidencing review and approval of a grant amendment.
Grant confirmation-The document evidencing review and approval of a grant.
Grantee-An individual or organization whose application for a grant has been acted upon favorably by the Council.
58 Pa. Code § 301.1