55 Pa. Code § 183.101

Current through Register Vol. 55, No. 1, January 4, 2025
Section 183.101 - Prospective and retrospective determination
(a) Income eligibility is prospectively determined for a calendar month based on anticipated income of individuals whose income shall be counted in determining eligibility.
(b) The amount of the monthly assistance payment is computed by counting the income of those same individuals whose income is considered in the prospective eligibility decision.
(c) A person is ineligible for assistance if, after the application of TANF and GA income requirements, the net income, when prospectively determined, equals or exceeds the family size allowance plus special needs allowances under Chapter 175 (relating to allowances and benefits).
(d) A person is eligible for assistance if, after the application of TANF and GA income requirements, the net income, when prospectively determined, is less than the family size allowance plus special needs allowances under Chapter 175 and the person meets other conditions of eligibility. The net income adjustment is determined as follows:
(1) In the initial 2 months of eligibility for a Federal or State category the income is one of the following:
(i) Prospectively budgeted by estimating the income and circumstances which will exist in each of the initial 2 months.
(ii) Retrospectively budgeted if the initial month follows one of the following:
(A) A preceding month of eligibility, during which the budget group received assistance or would have received a monthly assistance payment except for the prohibition against payments of less than $10.
(B) One month of suspension, if the circumstances of the budget group in the month of reinstatement have not changed significantly from those reported in the budget month.
(C) When the budget group is closed in the GA category and simultaneously opened in the TANF category, even though clause (A) or (B) applies, the amount of the assistance payment is prospectively budgeted in the first 2 months of the TANF category.
(2) After the initial 2 months, retrospectively budget the income by using the actual income and circumstances which existed in the budget month corresponding to the payment month.
(i) Income prospectively budgeted in the initial payment months which stops, that is, equals zero, during an initial payment month is not retrospectively budgeted. The actual amount of income received is considered in determining the payment for the initial 2 months.
(ii) Income which stops, that is, equals zero, in one of the first 2 retrospective budget months is not retrospectively budgeted. The actual amount ofincome received is considered in determining the payment for the zero income month and prior months.
(iii) Retrospective budgeting continues in these and subsequent months if income increases or decreases, but continues. The actual amount of income received in the initial 2 months of eligibility is considered in determining the payment for the first 2 retrospective budget months.

55 Pa. Code § 183.101

The provisions of this § 183.101 adopted August 26, 1988, effective 11/1/1988, 18 Pa.B. 3921.

The provisions of this § 183.101 issued under section 403(b) of the Public Welfare Code (62 P. S. § 403(b)).

This section cited in 55 Pa. Code § 183.102 (relating to change in category).