In preparing the annual integrated resource planning reports required by § 59.81(a) (relating to periodic reporting requirements for major gas utilities), each jurisdictional utility shall use the forms and schedules specified by the Bureau of Conservation, Economics and Energy Planning, which shall include the following:
(1) Form-IRP-Gas-lA-Annual Gas Demand Requirements; Form-IRP-Gas-1B-Peak Day Gas Requirements.(2) Form-IRP-Gas-2A-Natural Gas Supply; Form-IRP-Gas-2B-Natural Gas Transportation; Form-IRP-Gas-2C-Natural Gas Storage.(3) Form-IRP-Gas-3-Number of Customers (Year End).(4) Form-IRP-Gas-4A-Annual Supply and Demand Requirements Summary; Form-IRP-Gas-4B-Peak Day Supply and Demand Requirements Summary.(5) Form-IRP-Gas-5-Program Description.(6) Form-IRP-Gas-6-Energy Users.(7) Form-IRP-Gas-7-Program Summary.(8) Form-IRP-Gas-8-Cost-Benefit Analysis Inputs.(9) Form-IRP-Gas-9-Cost-Benefit Analysis Results.The provisions of this § 59.84 amended June 23, 2000, effective 6/24/2000, 30 Pa.B. 3172. This section cited in 52 Pa. Code § 59.81 (relating to periodic reporting requirements for major gas utilities).