Clinical evaluation-An evaluation system based on observation of a student's performance of clinical skills in contexts that resemble those the student will be expected to encounter as an expanded function dental assistant in a dental office.
Clinical instruction-A learning experience in a clinical setting where the student performs expanded functions on patients under the supervision of an instructor.
Clinical setting-
Competencies-Statements describing the necessary requirements to perform each procedure in § 33.205a (relating to practice as an expanded function dental assistant) to the level required to meet the acceptable and prevailing standard of care within the dental community in this Commonwealth.
Competent-Having sufficient knowledge, skill and expertise in performing expanded functions to meet and maintain the acceptable and prevailing standard of care within the dental community in this Commonwealth.
Laboratory or preclinical instruction-A learning experience in which students perform expanded functions using study models, typodonts, manikins or other simulation methods under the supervision of the instructor.
49 Pa. Code § 33.117
The provisions of this § 33.117 adopted under section 3(a), (b), (d.1)(1) and (o) of The Dental Law (63 P. S. § 122(a), (b), (d.1)(1) and (o)).