The combination of rope speed and action of the towing outfit shall be such that the skiers are accelerated at a safe rate as they are mounting the lift. When the average level of ability of the skiers to mount the lift is relatively low, acceleration shall be reduced by changing the traveling speed of the rope. The minimum loading interval for T-bars shall be 5 seconds plus the time required to extend the towing outfit to such a point that the skiers begin to move. The minimum loading interval for single passenger outfits shall be three seconds plus the time required to extend the towing outfit to such a point that the skier begins to move. These figures represent capacities of something less than 1,400 and 1,200 passengers per hour, respectively.
34 Pa. Code § 7.466
This section cited in 34 Pa. Code § 7.461 (relating to definitions); 34 Pa. Code § 7.462 (relating to applicability); and 34 Pa. Code § 7.467 (relating to terminals and stations).