There shall be provided in conspicuous and suitable places in electrical stations, testing departments, and line construction and repair wagons, a sufficient supply of suitable protective, first aid and fire-extinguishing devices and equipment, to enable employes to meet the requirements of these rules. These devices and equipment shall be inspected or tested to insure that they are kept in good order. The following is a list of suitable devices and equipment, the kinds and number of which will depend on the requirements of each case:
(2) Insulating wearing apparel, such as insulating gloves, sleeves, and boots. Insultating shields, covers, mats, stools and platforms. Insulating appliances, such as rods and tongs, for any necessary handling or testing of live equipment or lines.(3) Protective goggles of suitable materials and construction.(4) Tools of such special design and insulation as to eliminate so far as practicable the danger of forming short circuits across conducting parts at different potentials or bringing the user into circuit with such parts.(5) "Men at work" tags, log books, operating diagrams or equivalent devices, and portable danger signs.(6) Fire extinguishing devices, either designed for safe use on live parts or plainly marked that they shall not be so used.(7) Grounding devices for making protective grounds. Safety belts, whether furnished by employer or employe, should be inspected from time to time to assure that they are in safe working condition.