The following words and terms, when used in this subchapter, have the following meanings, unless the context clearly indicates otherwise:
Dampening machine-A machine used for dampening clothes or other textiles.
Drying tumbler-A machine in which clothes or other textiles are dried by air. It usually consists of an enclosure inside of which is a revolving cylinder.
Extractor-A power-driven centrifugal machine used for removing surplus moisture from clothes or other textiles.
Guarded, encased or enclosed-Any object, equipment, or its parts which are so covered, shielded, fenced or otherwise protected that accidental contact at the point of danger, resulting in injury, is not possible.
Hazardous-An object which is so accessible as to permit contact that may result in injury.
Ironer-A hand or power-operated machine with one or more rolls or heated surfaces in contact used for ironing or smoothing clothes or other textiles.
Laundry-An establishment in which garments or other materials are washed in water, dried, starched, ironed or otherwise finished. This term does not include the operations of printing, bleaching, mercerizing, drycleaning, or dyeing of garments or other textile materials.
Marking machine-A power-driven machine used for marking clothes or other textiles.
Sewing machine-A machine used for sewing or stitching clothes or other textiles.
Shaker clothes tumbler-A revolving cylinder used for shaking out clothes or other textiles.
Starching machine-A power-driven machine used for the starching of clothes or other textiles.
Washing machine-A power-driven machine used for washing clothes or other textiles. It generally consists of a stationary case or shell inside of which is a revolving perforated cylinder.
Wringer-One or more power-driven rolls used for removing surplus moisture from clothes or other textiles.
34 Pa. Code § 23.1