25 Pa. Code § 298.1
Terms defined in §§ 260a.1 and 260a.10 (relating to incorporation by reference, purpose, scope and applicability; and definitions) that are not defined in § 287.1 (relating to definitions) have the same meanings when used in this chapter. The following words and terms, when used in this chapter, have the following meanings, unless the context clearly indicates otherwise:
Aboveground storage tank-A tank used to store or process waste oil that is not an underground storage tank.
Container-A portable device in which a material is stored, transported, treated, disposed of or otherwise handled.
Household "do-it-yourselfer" waste oil-Oil that is derived from households, such as waste oil generated by individuals who generate waste oil through the maintenance of their personal vehicles.
Household "do-it-yourselfer" waste oil generator-An individual who generates household "do-it-yourselfer" waste oil.
Petroleum refining facility-An establishment primarily engaged in producing gasoline, kerosene, distillate fuel oils, residual fuel oils and lubricants, through fractionation, straight distillation of crude oil, redistillation of unfinished petroleum derivatives, cracking or other processes-for example, facilities classified as SIC 2911.
Rerefining distillation bottoms-The heavy fraction produced by vacuum distillation of filtered and dehydrated waste oil. The composition of still bottoms varies with column operation and feedstock.
Tank-A stationary device, designed to contain an accumulation of waste oil which is constructed primarily of nonearthen or nonwooden materials-for example, concrete, steel, plastic-which provides structural support.
Underground storage tank-An underground storage tank as defined in § 245.1 (relating to definitions).
Waste oil aggregation point-A site or facility that accepts, aggregates or stores waste oil collected only from other waste oil generation sites owned or operated by the owner or operator of the aggregation point, from which waste oil is transported to the aggregation point in shipments of no more than 55 gallons. Waste oil aggregation points may also accept waste oil from household do-it-yourselfers.
Waste oil burner-A facility where waste oil not meeting the specification requirements in § 298.11 (relating to waste oil specifications) is burned for energy recovery in devices identified in § 298.61(a) (relating to restrictions on burning).
Waste oil collection center-A site or facility that is registered, licensed, permitted and accepts, aggregates and stores waste oil collected from waste oil generators regulated under Subchapter C (relating to waste oil generators) who bring waste oil to the collection center in shipments of no more than 55 gallons under § 298.24 (relating to offsite shipments). Waste oil collection centers may also accept waste oil from household do-it-yourselfers.
Waste oil fuel marketer-A person who conducts one of the following activities:
Waste oil generator-A person, by site, whose act or process produces waste oil or whose act first causes waste oil to become subject to this chapter.
Waste oil processing-Chemical or physical operations designed to produce from waste oil, or to make waste oil more amenable for production of, fuel oils, lubricants or other waste oil-derived products. Waste oil processing includes: blending waste oil with virgin petroleum products, blending waste oils to meet the fuel specification, filtration, simple distillation, chemical or physical separation and rerefining.
Waste oil processor/rerefiner-A facility that processes waste oil.
Waste oil transfer facility-A transportation related facility including loading docks, parking areas, storage areas and other areas where shipments of waste oil are received or held, or both, during the normal course of transportation.
Waste oil transporter-A person who transports waste oil and a person who collects waste oil from more than one generator and transports the collected oil. Transportation may include consolidation or aggregation of loads of waste oil on the vehicle or in transportation containers. Transporters may conduct incidental waste oil separation that occurs in the normal course of waste oil transportation-for example, settling and water separation.
25 Pa. Code § 298.1