The following words and terms, when used in this chapter, have the following meaning, unless the context clearly indicates otherwise:
Calendar year-January 1-December 31.
Department-The Department of Education of this Commonwealth.
Distance education-
Portal agency-The single entity designated to serve as the interstate point of contact for SARA questions, complaints and other communications.
Postsecondary institution-An institution legally authorized to award degrees at the associate level or above.
Regional compact-A nonprofit organization with member states dedicated to advancing education in a region. The four regional compacts are the Midwestern Higher Education Compact, the New England Board of Higher Education, the Southern Regional Education Board and the Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education.
SARA-State Authorization Reciprocity Agreement-A voluntary agreement adopted by the regional compacts to establish National standards for interstate delivery of postsecondary education through distance education.
22 Pa. Code § 741a.1