The Minor Judiciary Interest on Trust Accounts Program (the "MJ-IOTA Program") was established by Order of the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania dated August 3, 2004. The judges and justices of all courts created pursuant to Article V, Sections 6 and 7 of the Pennsylvania Constitution are subject to MJ-IOTA. These include Magisterial District Judges, judges of the Philadelphia Municipal Court, judges of the Philadelphia Municipal Court, Traffic Division (assuming the jurisdiction and functions of the former Traffic Court of Philadelphia) and judges of the Pittsburgh Municipal Court (judicial unit assigned matters that were formerly within the jurisdiction of the Pittsburgh Magistrates).
The MJ-IOTA Program generates income where formerly there was none. This income aids the citizens of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Income earned on MJ-IOTA Accounts may be used only for educational legal clinical programs and internships administered by law schools located in Pennsylvania, delivery of civil legal assistance to the poor and disadvantaged in Pennsylvania by non-profit corporations described in 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, and for the administration and development of the MJ-IOTA Program.
Pa. Code tit. 204, pt. V, subpt. A, ch. 81, subch. C, Preamble: Statement of Purpose