As set forth in § 73.13 (relating to interest rates), PIDA may provide special interest rates for projects designated as advanced technology. A company will be deemed to qualify as "advanced technology" if it meets one of the following criteria:
Question # 1: To your knowledge, do any other companies in this industry, either domestic or foreign, have access to this technology or its equivalent? Yes No______
Question # 2: Does the technology or industrial process in question represent a significant improvement over the existing technology and/or industrial process currently in general use within the industry? Yes____ No _____ If yes, please elaborate on what advantages this technology or process will provide.
Question # 3: What year was this technology first introduced to your industry? ________
Question # 4: Does the company hold or maintain:
Patents for the technology or process in question? Yes_____ No_________
License(s) for the technology or its underlying intellectual property? Yes No
Trade secrets covering the technology in question? Yes _______ No ________
Question # 5: Does the applicant have an internal engineering department?
Yes______ No_______
If yes, what percent of the company's operating budget is dedicated to this department?
Question # 6: Does the applicant company have any existing relationship with consultants, external research organizations, universities or other entities to provide or introduce new intellectual property or technology to the company?
Yes____ No_____ If yes, please describe.
Question # 7: Has the company invested in technology within the past 12 months, or is the company proposing to invest in technology within the next 12 months that has advanced or will advance the state of the art for the industry?
Yes_____ No______ If yes, please elaborate on how the state of the art for the industry was or will be advanced by the technology and what the potential effects on the company will be.
Question # 8: Does the applicant have an R & D department? Yes____ No If yes, what percent of the company's operating budget is dedicated to this department?
12 Pa. Code § 73.121