Current through Register Vol. 64, No. 1, January 1, 2025
Section 918-020-0420 - Training and Experience Required of an Individual(1) An individual desiring to obtain or renew a master builder certificate shall have the following prerequisites prior to applying to the division: (a) Be an owner or regular employee of a qualified construction company and be authorized by the company to provide assurance to the division that all state and local code requirements are met;(b) In each of the five preceding calendar years, have either performed or supervised dwelling construction or whole dwelling remodel. In at least two of the five years, the construction or remodel shall have occurred in a geographic area that has or implements a master builder program; and(c) Provide verification of completion of an approved training program on the current adopted One- and Two-Family Dwelling Specialty Code.(2) An approved program shall include, but need not be limited to, 36 hours of instruction in: (b) Chimneys and fireplaces;(c) Decay and termite protections;(e) Footings and foundations;(f) Roof-ceiling construction;(h) Site inspections or conditions;(i) Wall construction, assemblies and coverings; and(j) Wood and metal framing.(3) Individuals desiring to be a master builder shall apply to the division using division supplied forms and pay an application fee of $150. Examinations are approved and administered by the division and cover the provisions of the One- and Two-Family Dwelling Specialty Code, excluding electrical, plumbing and mechanical. Individuals must score a minimum of 75 percent to successfully pass the exam.(4) Individual applications shall be denied if:(a) The applicant is the subject of an adverse final order issued by the Construction Contractors Board or the division based upon acts committed within the 36 months preceding the application date that: (A) Violated a specialty code, licensing or permit requirement; or(B) Resulted in a claim being filed with the board or the division against the individual.(b) If the individual is an owner of a qualified construction company, an adverse final order issued against the company is an adverse order issued against the individual; (A) Completion of an approved training program cannot be verified; or(B) The applicant fails to pass the division-approved examination.(5) Upon determining that the applicant has successfully met all requirements for certification as a master builder, the division shall issue a certificate to the individual applicant.(6) The division shall maintain a list of master builders.(7) The division may deny, refuse to renew, suspend or revoke certification as a master builder if the individual fails or ceases to meet the criteria for certification set forth in OAR 918-020-0420 or engages in actions resulting in a waiver revocation under OAR 918-020-0480. Pursuant to ORS Chapter 183, an applicant may request a contested case hearing upon a denial or refusal to renew or prior to a suspension or revocation of certification.(8) Certification as a master builder expires on April 1 no later than three years after the date of issuance unless suspended or revoked. An individual may renew a certificate that is in good standing by: (a) Providing evidence that the person continues to meet the requirements of subsections (1)(a) and (b) of this rule;(b) Providing evidence of continuing education as required by attending a division-approved class covering recent code changes in the One- and Two-Family Dwelling Specialty Code, excluding electrical, plumbing and mechanical, no later than 12 months after the code effective date; and(c) Paying a $50 renewal fee.Or. Admin. Code § 918-020-0420
BCD 6-2002, f. 3-25-02, cert. ef. 4-1-02Publications: Publications referenced are available from the agency.
Stat. Auth.: ORS 455.805 & ORS 455.810
Stats. Implemented: ORS 455.805 & ORS 455.810