Or. Admin. Code § 860-021-0021
Current through Register Vol. 64, No. 1, January 1, 2025
Section 860-021-0021 - Interruption of Utility Service(1) Each energy or large telecommunications utility shall keep a record of any interruption of service affecting its whole system, or a major section thereof, including a statement of the time, duration, and cause of interruption.(2) Each energy or large telecommunications utility shall make all reasonable efforts to prevent interruptions of service. When such interruptions occur, the energy or large telecommunications utility shall endeavor to reestablish service with the shortest possible delay consistent with the safety of its customers, employees, and the general public.(3) In cases when the interruption of service lasts longer than 21 days, the utility shall promptly notify the Commission; and provide the reasons for the continued interruption, the efforts to that date the utility had taken to restore service, and what additional events or measures are required to restore service.(4) Each energy or large telecommunications utility shall make reasonable efforts to notify every customer affected in advance of any scheduled work that will interrupt service, but such notice shall not be required in case of interruption due to emergency repairs or for repairs or maintenance work performed by a telecommunications utility that results in an interruption of less than five minutes. All scheduled interruptions shall be made at a time causing minimum inconvenience to customers. In determining reasonable notice, the energy or large telecommunications utility shall consider the length of the planned interruption, the type and number of customers affected, the potential impact of the interruption on customers, and other surrounding circumstances. Notice may be given in writing, either via US mail, electronically, or a door hanger on the affected premises, or by contact with the customer or an adult at the residence by personal visit or by telephone.(5) In addition to the requirements above, electric utilities shall comply with OAR 860-023-0081 through 860-023-0161, which set additional requirements for electric service reliability and reporting.Or. Admin. Code § 860-021-0021
PUC 164, f. 4-18-74, ef. 5-11-74 (Order No. 74-307); PUC 6-1979, f. & ef. 10-6-79 (Order No. 79-680); Renumbered from 860-021-0070; PUC 5-1983, f. 5-31-83, ef. 6-1-83 (Order No. 83-284); Renumbered from 860-021-0067; PUC 16-1997, f. 12-11-97, cert. ef. 1-1-98; PUC 11-1998, f. & cert. ef. 5-7-98; PUC 16-2001, f. & cert. ef. 6-21-01; PUC 16-2003, f. & cert. ef. 10-1-03; PUC 16-2004, f. & cert. ef. 12-1-04; PUC 10-2022, amend filed 09/30/2022, effective 9/30/2022Statutory/Other Authority: ORS 183, ORS 756, ORS 757 & ORS 759
Statutes/Other Implemented: ORS 756.040