(1) Except for the provisions in subsections (3) and (4) of this rule, the PSRB will classify adult male registrants under its jurisdiction or previously under its jurisdiction by the Static-99R. The PSRB will score and place the registrant into one of the following levels: Level I: Low (Static-99R score of -3 to 3);
Level II: Moderate (Static-99R score of 4 to 5); or
Level III: High (Static-99R score of 6 or higher).
(2) For classification of adult female registrants, category B registrants, and young male registrants, the PSRB will classify using the Level of Services/Case Management Inventory (LS/CMI) as supplemented by an independent sexual offense-specific evaluation report. Based on the score, these registrants will be designated into one of the following levels: Level I: Low (Score 0 to 10; LS/CMI as supplemented by an independent sexual offense-specific evaluation);
Level II: Moderate (Score 11 to 19; LS/CMI as supplemented by an independent sexual offense-specific evaluation); or
Level III: High (Score 20 or higher; LS/CMI as supplemented by an independent sexual offense-specific evaluation).
(3) If a person found GEI has previously been designated as a sexually violent dangerous offender under ORS 137.765, it will classify that person as a Level III sex offender.(4) If a person found GEI has previously been designated as a predatory sex offender between February 10, 2005 and December 31, 2013, the Board will classify the registrant as a Level III sex offender. (5) The PSRB will classify a registrant who refuses or fails to participate in a sex offender risk assessment as a Level III sex offender unless the assessment can effectively be completed without the registrant's participation.Or. Admin. Code § 859-400-0010
PSRB 4-2016, f. & cert. ef. 3/17/2016Stat. Auth: ORS 161.387(1) & 181.800 - 181.803
Stat. Implemented: ORS 181.800 & 181.803