Or. Admin. Code § 855-044-0070
Current through Register Vol. 64, No. 1, January 1, 2025
Section 855-044-0070 - Records(1) A charitable pharmacy must maintain a donation record of all drugs received that includes: (a) Donor's name and address; (b) Drug manufacturer, lot number, name and strength; (d) Expiration date of the drug; (f) The unique identifier. (2) A charitable pharmacy must maintain a distribution and dispensing record that includes: (a) Drug name and strength; (b) Quantity distributed; (c) Name of manufacturer; (d) Lot number and expiration date; (e) Date of distribution or dispensing; (f) Name and address of recipient. (3) A charitable pharmacy must maintain a record of all drugs that are destroyed. (4) In addition to the above records, a charitable pharmacy must cross-reference the donation record and the distribution and dispensing record with the appropriate donor and recipient forms. (5) A charitable pharmacy must make an annual report to the Board by completing a form provided by the Board and submitting it with their application for renewal of registration. (6) All records required by these rules must be retained for three years and made available to the Board upon request. (7) Upon written request the Board may waive any of the requirements of this rule if a waiver will further public health and safety. A waiver granted under this section shall only be effective when it is issued in writing. Or. Admin. Code § 855-044-0070
BP 6-2010, f. & cert. ef. 6-29-10; BP 9-2014, f. & cert. ef. 12/4/2014Stat. Auth.: ORS 689.205
Stats. Implemented: ORS 689.774