Or. Admin. Code § 852-080-0020
Current through Register Vol. 64, No. 1, January 1, 2025
Section 852-080-0020 - Designation of Topical FormularyPursuant to ORS 683.010(3) and 683.270(j), optometric physicians are qualified to use, administer, and prescribe topical pharmaceutical agents as designated by the Oregon Board of Optometry. The following formulary of pharmaceutical agents for topical use in the practice of optometry are designated, subject to the conditions in 852-080-0030:
(1) Category 1 - Ocular lubricants, artificial tears, and irrigating solutions;(2) Category 2 - Mydriatics;(3) Category 3 - Cycloplegics;(4) Category 4 - Anesthetics;(6) Category 6 - Miotics;(7) Category 7 - Astringents and antiseptics;(8) Category 8 - Caustic agents;(9) Category 9 - Antihistamines and decongestants; (10) Category 10 - Anti-louse agents;(11) Category 11 - Hyperosmotics;(12) Category 12 - Anti-infectives (antibiotics, anti-virals, anti-fungals);(13) Category 13 - Anti-glaucoma and ocular hypotensives;(14) Category 14 - Anti-inflammatories;(15) Category 15 - Any combination of the above agents;(16) Category 16 - Other agents as approved by the Board.Or. Admin. Code § 852-080-0020
OP 1-1994, f. 5-4-94, cert. ef. 5-9-94; OPT 1-2000, f. & cert. ef. 3-15-00; OPT 1-2002, f. & cert. ef. 7-26-02; OPT 1-2013, f. & cert. ef. 1-3-13Stat. Auth.: ORS 182 & 683
Stats. Implemented: ORS 683.010, 683.270 & 182.466