Or. Admin. Code § 839-007-0040
Current through Register Vol. 64, No. 1, January 1, 2025
Section 839-007-0040 - Employee Notice Policy and Procedures(1) An employer may require an employee to comply with the employer's usual and customary written notice and procedure requirements for foreseeable absences for requesting time off if those requirements do not interfere with the ability of the employee to use sick time. Such requirements may include notice by a reasonable time and by reasonable means including but not limited to calling a designated telephone number, applying a uniform call-in procedure or by using another means of communication accessible to the employee.(2) If the reason for sick time is a foreseeable absence, such as a pre-scheduled medical appointment, the employer may require employees to provide advance notice of their intention to use sick time, not to exceed 10 calendar days prior to the date the sick time is to begin or as soon as practicable, but in no case may an employee be required to provide such notice more than 10 calendar days prior to the date sick time is to begin.(3) When an employee uses sick time for a foreseeable absence, the employee shall make a reasonable effort to schedule the sick time in a manner that does not unduly disrupt the operations of the employer. For example, the employee should make a reasonable attempt not to schedule medical appointments during peak business hours, when work is time-sensitive or when mandatory meetings are scheduled.(4) The employee shall inform the employer of any change in the expected duration of the sick time as soon as is practicable. (5) If the reason for sick time is unforeseeable, such as an emergency, accident, or sudden illness, the employee shall provide notice before the start of the employee's shift or, when circumstances prevent the employee from providing notice before the start of the employee's shift, as soon as is practicable. In all cases, whether and when an employee can practicably provide notice depends upon the individual facts and circumstances of the situation.(6) An employer may discipline an employee for violating workplace policies and procedures if the employee fails to provide notice as required by these rules or if the employee fails to make a reasonable effort to schedule leave in a manner that does not unduly disrupt the operations of the employer as provided in section (3) of this rule. The employer may not discipline the employee for use of sick time.Or. Admin. Code § 839-007-0040
BLI 16-2015, f. 12-9-15, cert. ef. 1/1/2016Stat. Auth: OL Ch. 537, 2015
Stats. Implemented: OL Ch. 537, 2015