Or. Admin. Code § 839-003-0100
Current through Register Vol. 64, No. 1, January 1, 2025
Section 839-003-0100 - Commissioner's Complaint(1) This section does not apply to housing discrimination complaints under ORS 659A.145 or 659A.421 or the federal Fair Housing Act (42 U.S.C. 3601 - 3614 a). Commissioner's complaints of housing discrimination are addressed in OAR 839-003-0245. (2)The commissioner of the Bureau of Labor and Industries may make, sign and file a complaint whenever the commissioner has reason to believe that any person or group of persons has been denied rights due to an unlawful practice or employment practice. The complaint will be processed in the same manner as any other complaint filed under OAR 839-003-0025. (3) The commissioner may identify an aggrieved person or persons in a commissioner's complaint, by name, pseudonym or by general description as being aggrieved by an alleged unlawful practice or otherwise similarly situated to a person eligible to file a complaint under ORS 659A.820. (4) Any cease and desist order issued in a proceeding in which the commissioner filed a complaint may, in addition to any other action authorized by law, include remedies for an aggrieved person or persons. (5) In the matter of concurrent complaints, nothing in these rules will be construed to: (a) Require or prohibit the filing of a commissioner's complaint involving the same or similar issues or allegations stated in any other complaint filed with the division or circuit court by an individual under ORS 659A.820, 659A.825, or 659A.885; (b) Require or prohibit the continued processing or initiation of a commissioner's complaint in the event that a complaint filed with the division or circuit court by an individual under ORS 659A.820, 659A.825, or 659A.885, is resolved or dismissed, with or without remedy to the individual; or (c) Alter or limit an individual's private right of action provided under ORS 659A.870 to 659A.885.Or. Admin. Code § 839-003-0100
BL 7-1985(Temp), f. & ef. 10-17-85; BL 11-1986, f. & ef. 10-29-86; BL 4-1996, f. & cert. ef. 3-12-96; BLI 11-2000, f. & cert. ef. 3-24-00; BLI 10-2002, f. & cert. ef. 5-17-02; BLI 7-2008(Temp), f. 3-20-08, cert. ef. 3-25-08 thru 9-21-08; Administrative correction 10-21-08; BLI 40-2008(Temp), f. 11-10-08, cert. ef. 11-12-08 thru 5-1-09; BLI 43-2008, f. 12-3-08, cert. ef. 12-5-08; BLI 8-2011, f. 10-13-11, cert. ef. 10-14-11; BLI 13-2013, f. & cert. ef. 12-30-13; BLI 9-2015, f. & cert. ef. 6/29/2015Stat. Auth.: ORS 659A.805
Stats. Implemented: ORS 659A.800 - 659A.865