Or. Admin. Code § 836-009-0015
Except as provided by rule for fees and assessments under ORS 731.804, when the Director determines that the Department has received moneys in excess of the amount legally due and payable to the Department under the Insurance Code or that the Department in carrying out its functions under the Insurance Code has received moneys to which it has no legal interest, if the amount of the refund owed by the Department is less than $10, the Department shall pay the refund only upon receipt of a written request from the person who paid the money or the legal repre-sentative thereof. The written request must be received by the Department not later than three years from the date the moneys were paid to the Department.
Or. Admin. Code § 836-009-0015
Stat. Auth.: ORS 293 & 731
Stats. Implemented: ORS 293.445(4)