Or. Admin. Code § 836-053-0472
Current through Register Vol. 64, No. 1, January 1, 2025
Section 836-053-0472 - Statutory Authority and Implementation(1) OAR 836-053-0473 and 836-053-0475 are adopted under the authority of ORS 731.244, 743.018, 743.019, and 743.020 to aid in giving effect to provisions of ORS Chapters 742,743 and 743B relating to the filing of rates and policy forms with the Director. The requirements of OAR 836-053-0473 and 836-053-0475 are in addition to any other requirements established by statute or by rule or bulletin of the Department. (2) OAR 836-053-0473 and 836-053-0475 apply to the following rate filings submitted or resubmitted to the Director on or after April 1, 2010: (a) Health benefit plans for small employers; (b) Individual health benefit plans.Or. Admin. Code § 836-053-0472
ID 12-2013, f. 12-31-13, cert. ef. 1-1-14; ID 4-2016, f. & cert. ef. 4/8/2016Stat. Auth.: ORS 743.018, 743.019 & 743.020
Stats. Implemented: ORS 742.003, 742.005, 742.007, 743.018, 743.019, 743.020, 743.022 & 743B.005