If you lost or are losing other health insurance coverage and received a notice from your prior insurer saying you were eligible for guaranteed issue of a Medicare supplement insurance policy, or that you had certain rights to buy such a policy, you may be guaranteed acceptance in ore or more of our Medicare supplement plans. Please include a copy of the notice from your prior insurer with your application. PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS.
Please mark Yes or No below with an "X"
To the best of your knowledge,
Yes______ No__________
Yes______ No__________
(NOTE TO APPLICANT: If you are participating in a "Spend-Down Program" and have not met your "Share of Cost," please answer NO to this question.)
Yes______ No___________
If yes,
Yes______ No__________
Yes______ No__________
START ___/___/___ END ___/___/___
Yes______ No__________
Yes______ No__________
Yes______ No__________
Yes______ No__________
Yes______ No__________
Yes______ No__________
START ___/___/___ END ___/___/___
(If you are still covered under the other policy, leave "END" blank.)
Or. Admin. Code § 836-052-0165
Exhibits referenced are available from the agency.
Stat. Auth.: ORS 743.010 & 743.685
Stats. Implemented: ORS 743.010, 743.683 & 743.685