Or. Admin. Code § 809-050-0050
Current through Register Vol. 64, No. 1, January 1, 2025
Section 809-050-0050 - Required Application Information(1) The Board will not issue or renew any registration or specialty certification unless an applicant or registrant provides his or her Social Security Number on the application or renewal form. (a) A registrant need not provide the Social Security Number on the renewal form if the Social Security Number has been previously provided to the Board and is in the record. (b) An applicant need not provide the Social Security number on a subsequent application if the Social Security Number has been previously provided to the Board and remains in the record. (2) If an individual has not been issued a Social Security Number by the United States Social Security Administration, the Board will accept a written statement from the applicant to fulfill the requirements of OAR 809-050-0050(1) and this rule. The individual may, but is not required to, submit the written statement on a form provided by the Board. Any written statement submitted must: (a) Be signed by the individual; (b) Attest to the fact that no Social Security Number has been issued to the individual by the United States Social Security Administration; (c) Assert that the information provided about the Social Security Number is true and correct; and (d) Acknowledge that knowingly supplying false information under this section is as crime. (3) Individuals must provide Social Security Numbers as required by ORS 25.785, 305.385, 42 USC § 666 (a)(13), and 42 USC § 405 (c)(2)(C)(i) for child support enforcement purposes and Department of Revenue purposes.Or. Admin. Code § 809-050-0050
BGE 10-2004, f. & cert.ef. 10-19-04; BGE 2-2014, f. & cert. ef. 12/5/2014Stat. Auth.: ORS 670.310, 25.785, 305.385, 42 USC § 666 & 42 USC § 405
Stats. Implemented: ORS 672.555, 672.565, 672.585, 672.595, 25.785 & 305.385