Or. Admin. Code § 808-004-0450
Current through Register Vol. 64, No. 1, January 1, 2025
Section 808-004-0450 - On-site Meeting and Attendance(1) If the parties agree to agency mediation, the agency may schedule an on-site meeting among the parties for the purpose of discussion of a mediation settlement of a claim and investigation of the claim. The agency shall mail notice of the meeting no less than 14 days prior to the date scheduled for the meeting.(2) If the agency schedules an on-site meeting, the following apply: (a) The claimant must allow access to the property that is the subject of the claim.(b) The claimant or an agent of the claimant must attend the meeting. An agent of the claimant must have knowledge of all claim items included in the claim and must have authority to enter into a mediation settlement of the claim. The agency may waive the requirement that an agent have authority to enter into a settlement of the claim if there is evidence that the respondent will not attend the on-site meeting.(c) The claimant must allow the respondent to be present at the on-site meeting as required under ORS 671.703.(d) The individual landscape construction professional whose phase of license is the basis for the landscape contracting business license and who supervised the project must attend the meeting as required by OAR 808-003-0018.Or. Admin. Code § 808-004-0450
LCB 4-2002, f. & cert. ef. 12-4-02; LCB 3-2006, f. & cert. ef. 8-2-06; LCB 4-2007, f. 12-19-07, cert. ef. 1-1-08; LCB 6-2016, f. & cert. ef. 5/23/2016Stat. Auth.: ORS 670.310 & 671.670
Stats. Implemented: ORS 671.703