Or. Admin. Code § 736-009-0006

Current through Register Vol. 64, No. 1, January 1, 2025
Section 736-009-0006 - Oregon Recreation Trails
(1) The purpose of OAR 735-009-0005 to 735-009-0030 is to establish the procedures and criteria that the Oregon Recreation Trails Advisory Council will use in recommending to the department the establishment and designation of Oregon Recreation Trails. Pursuant to the Oregon Recreation Trails System Act, ORS 390.950 to 390.989 and 390.995, the following categories are established:
(a) "Oregon Scenic Trails" may be comprised of routes that provide access to national, state, or regional resources of superlative quality and scenic splendor.
(b) "Oregon Regional Trails" may be comprised of routes that provide connections to communities, recreation sites or trail systems, and close-to-home recreational opportunities.
(c) "Oregon Scenic Bikeways" may be comprised of bicycle paths, designated transportation corridors, or a combination thereof. Oregon Scenic Bikeways may include route sections that are located in or near existing rights of way for roads or highways.
(2) The goals and objectives of the Oregon Recreation Trails Program are to:
(a) Provide recreation trails of superlative quality for the enjoyment and health of Oregonians and visitors;
(b) Showcase a standard for excellence in the routing, construction, maintenance, and marking consistent with each trail's character and purpose;
(c) Preserve and enhance Oregon Recreation Trails;
(d) Provide links to recreation sites and scenic, historic, natural, cultural resources along Oregon Recreation Trails; and
(e) Preserve and protect the natural landscape, scenic features, historic character, and recreation opportunities within the trail corridor.
(3) In furtherance of the goals and objectives established in section (2) of this rule, the department will:
(a) Follow the process and criteria established in this division for evaluating, designating, updating and maintaining Oregon Recreation Trails;
(b) Develop management strategies to preserve and enhance Oregon Recreation Trails;
(c) Create and provide public information resource materials on Oregon Recreation Trails, and
(d) Promote interest and support from local communities for creation, enhancement, and publicizing of local trails and recreation opportunities adjacent to or in close proximity to any Oregon Recreation Trails.

Or. Admin. Code § 736-009-0006

PRD 21-2009, f. & cert. ef. 12-8-09

Stat. Auth.: ORS 390.971(8)

Stats. Implemented: ORS 390.956, 390.959 - 390.962, 390.968, 390.971