Or. Admin. Code § 731-090-0040
Current through Register Vol. 64, No. 1, January 1, 2025
Section 731-090-0040 - RUC Payer: Reporting and Payment(1) All RUC Payers, or the Account Manager that reports on their behalf, must report and pay the Road Usage Charge for their subject vehicles.(2) All RUC Payers must report all miles subject to the Road Usage Charge during a Metered Use Reporting Period to their Account Manager. The Mileage Reporting Method must be configured to report metered use at least once a month.(3) RUC Payers who have paid Oregon fuels tax will receive a credit to be applied against their Road Usage Charge. (a) If the subject vehicle's Mileage Reporting Method is unable to calculate actual fuel consumption, the Account Manager will use the Combined Fuel Economy Rating for the vehicle as determined by the United States Environmental Protection Agency, or other reliable available information.(b) Electric Vehicles will not receive a fuels tax credit.(4) If the RUC Payer is an emblemed use fuel user with the Department's Fuels Tax Group, then the Department will assume that the RUC Payer is fueling only with tax-exempt fuel, and is therefore not entitled to a fuels tax credit to be applied against the RUC Payer's road usage charge.(5) The following will apply to RUC Payers who select the Department or the ODOT Account Manager for reporting their miles traveled and paying their Road Usage Charges: (a) The ODOT Account Manager or the Department will invoice or refund the Net Road Usage Charge once the account threshold has exceeded 20 dollars, and the calendar quarter end has been reached. (b) The Department will assess interest at the rate of 1 percent per month as well as a 10 percent late penalty fee for delinquent payments. Delinquency is defined as 45 days past the due date. This penalty may be waived at the discretion of the Department.(6) The following will apply to RUC Payers who select a Commercial Account Manager for reporting their miles and paying their Road Usage Charges: (a) The Commercial Account Manager will invoice or refund the Net Road Usage Charge per its agreement with the RUC Payer. (b) The Commercial Account Manager shall assess penalties and interest for delinquent payments as established in its agreement with the RUC Payer.(c) The Commercial Account Manager may remove the RUC Payer from the Program for non-compliance.(7) Electric vehicle owners that do not report at least once a month, or are otherwise removed from the Program by the Account Manager for Non-Compliance, will be removed from the Program and will have to pay all applicable registration fees according to HB 2017, Section 32 (2017 Oregon Laws, chapter 750) at the time of their next registration.Or. Admin. Code § 731-090-0040
DOT 1-2015, f. 4-21-15, cert. ef. 7/1/2015; DOT 3-2016, f. & cert. ef. 9/26/2016; DOT 4-2017, amend filed 11/17/2017, effective 1/1/2018; DOT 2-2019, amend filed 10/22/2019, effective 1/1/2020Statutory/Other Authority: ORS 184.616, 184.619 & 319.883 - 319.990
Statutes/Other Implemented: ORS 319.915