Or. Admin. Code § 731-040-0050
Current through Register Vol. 64, No. 1, January 1, 2025
Section 731-040-0050 - Evaluation and Authorization(1) This rule applies to all proposals to approve initial toll rates on an authorized tollway project, including proposals submitted jointly with the Department under an OIPP agreement.(2) The operator must create a process equity plan prior to submitting a proposal for initial rates and the rate proposal must include feedback on the proposed rate obtained by engaging with communities identified in the process equity plan.(3) The toll rate proposal must include an evaluation of how outcome equity has informed the design of the proposal and plans for how it will inform the implementation and operation of the tolled facility.(4) The Department will evaluate the toll rate proposal and provide a recommendation to the Commission.(5) When establishing initial toll rates, the Commission must consider the Department's recommendations and the factors described in ORS 383.004 and set rates to address the following:(a) The cost of toll operations and improvements, preservation, and maintenance of the tollway project, tollway, and related facilities, including paying any debt service issued to finance tollway projects.(b) Management of congestion to desired thresholds, as established for the tollway and adjacent roadways, including but not limited to, travel times, speeds, reliability, increasing accessibility, reducing greenhouse gas emissions, and avoiding, to the extent practicable, the reduction of existing service levels on the tollway.(6) In addition to the factors described in section (5) of this rule, the Commission may consider: (a) Authorizing toll reductions or exemptions. The reduction or exemption may be limited and directly related to the needs for operation, maintenance, safety, person-carrying capacity of the roadway, or for emergency response. The Commission may also consider a reduction or exemption for low-income households or for tribal members and tribal government vehicles.(b) Simplifying the rate structure to help with communication and public understanding, which may include minimizing the number of different rates, limiting rate changes throughout the day, or rounding rates to the closest 5 cent increment.(c) Determining how or if to apply toll rates for overnight and non-congested periods.(d) Structuring rates to encourage users to shift trips to less busy times of day, telecommute, or use other modes of transportation, such as public transportation, carpools, biking, and walking.(e) Setting rates based on vehicle classification, in accordance with requirements for fairness and proportionality between classes of vehicles, as provided in Article IX, section 3a(3), of the Oregon Constitution.(7) The Commission will approve, conditionally approve, or disapprove a proposal to establish initial toll rates. A Commission decision is issued in writing.Or. Admin. Code § 731-040-0050
DOT 3-1997, f. & cert. ef. 12-29-97; DOT 5-2012, f. & cert. ef. 7-19-12; DOT 6-2024, amend filed 12/04/2024, effective 12/5/2024Statutory/Other Authority: ORS 184.619 & 383.015
Statutes/Other Implemented: ORS 383