Or. Admin. Code § 690-086-0260
Current through Register Vol. 64, No. 1, January 1, 2025
Section 690-086-0260 - Agricultural Water Allocation/Curtailment ElementThe water allocation/curtailment element shall include at least the following:
(1) A description of the frequency and magnitude of past supply deficiencies and current capacity limitation(s). The description shall include an assessment of the ability of the water supplier to maintain delivery during drought or other source shortages.(2) A description of the water supply situation(s) that cause the water allocation/curtailment element to be implemented, including identification of the supply situations which trigger warnings to users or public notice of impending shortage;(3) A description of the procedure used to allocate water during water shortages.Or. Admin. Code § 690-086-0260
WRD 11-1994, f. & cert. ef. 9-21-94; WRD 4 2002, f. & cert. ef. 11-1-02, Renumbered from 690-086-0240(3); WRD 2-2019, minor correction filed 02/20/2019, effective 2/20/2019Statutory/Other Authority: ORS 536.027, 537.211 & 540.572
Statutes/Other Implemented: ORS 537.230, 537.630 & 539.010