Or. Admin. Code § 690-505-0625
Current through Register Vol. 64, No. 1, January 1, 2025
Section 690-505-0625 - Municipal and Quasi-municipal Ground Water Permit Applications(1) Municipal or quasi-municipal ground water permit applicants may satisfy a mitigation obligation by incrementally obtaining and providing mitigation to coincide with the incremental development of the permit, provided that mitigation is provided prior to each stage of development of the permit and in accordance with the standards under 690-505-0610(2)-(5). Municipal or quasi-municipal ground water permit applicants interested in incremental mitigation shall: (a) Submit an incremental development plan to the Department as part of the response to a notice of mitigation obligation under OAR 690-505-0615. The plan shall indicate a time schedule for the development of the permit and indicate proposed sources of mitigation that will be obtained and used prior to each stage of development;(b) Report to the Department the progress of implementing the incremental development plan in accordance with a reporting schedule identified in the final order approving the water right permit under OAR 690-310-0200; and(c) Submit a new or updated Water Management and Conservation Plan pursuant to OAR chapter 690, division 86.(2) Applicants or permit holders subject to this rule may request that the Department approve changes to an incremental development plan and related mitigation obligation. A permit holder subject to this rule shall not increase the rate or amount of water diversion before increasing the corresponding required mitigation.Or. Admin. Code § 690-505-0625
WRD 3-2002, f. & cert. ef. 9-27-02Stat. Auth.: ORS 536.027 & ORS 390.835
Stats. Implemented: ORS 390.835, Ch. 659 2001 OL HB 2184