Or. Admin. Code § 690-380-8010
Except as provided in OAR 690-380-8004, the lands from which the water use subject to transfer is removed shall receive no water, under the appurtenant rights, during the period of a temporary transfer. In the case of a temporary transfer approved during the season for which there is a specified season of use, such as the irrigation season, the lands from which the water use subject to transfer is being removed shall have received no water, under the appurtenant rights, during that season, including water used prior to the approval of the temporary transfer. If the lands have received water, under the appurtenant rights, during that season, the temporary transfer may not take effect until the following season.
Or. Admin. Code § 690-380-8010
Stat. Auth.: ORS 536.025 & 536.027
Stats. Implemented: ORS 540.523