Or. Admin. Code § 690-380-3400

Current through Register Vol. 64, No. 1, January 1, 2025
Section 690-380-3400 - Waiver of Fees

The Director shall waive $100 or 50 percent of the application fee, whichever is greater, for that portion of a change to a water right permit under ORS 537.211(4) or a water right subject to transfer under 540.520 or 540.523, that is:

(1) To establish an instream water right pursuant to ORS 537.348;
(2) Is necessary to complete a project funded by the Oregon Watershed Enhancement Board under ORS 541.375; or
(3) Determined and endorsed in writing by ODFW as a change that will result in a net benefit to fish and wildlife habitat.

Or. Admin. Code § 690-380-3400

RD 2-2003, f & cert. ef. 5-1-03

Stat. Auth.: ORS 536.025 & ORS 536.027

Stats. Implemented: ORS 540.510 - ORS 540.532