Or. Admin. Code § 690-330-0010
Current through Register Vol. 64, No. 1, January 1, 2025
Section 690-330-0010 - Proof of Appropriation(1) ORS 537.250(1) and 537.630(3) prescribe that the Director shall issue a certificate of water right upon satisfactory proof of appropriation. Satisfactory proof shall be following: (a) A determination by the Department that appropriation of water to beneficial use under the terms of the permit has been accomplished to the extent authorized;(b) A determination by the Department that appropriation of water to a beneficial use under the terms of the permit was accomplished to an extent less than authorized shall constitute proof for that portion of the appropriation.(2) If the Department determines that proof has been made to an extent different from or less than that granted by the permit, a proposed certificate of water right shall be prepared. The proposed certificate shall describe the right determined completed under the provisions of the permit. The proposed certificate shall be sent by first class mail to the permittee at the last known address, or with the consent of the recipient, by electronic means together with notice that the permittee or landowner has a period of 60 days from the date the proposed certificate was sent within which to request the Department reconsider the contents of the proposed certificate of water right. If no request for reconsideration is received within the 60-day period, the Director shall issue a water right certificate to the permittee pursuant to ORS 537.250(1) or 537.630(4).(3) If the Department determines that proof has been made on the full extent granted by the permit, a certificate may be issued without the necessity of a proposed certificate.Or. Admin. Code § 690-330-0010
WRD 6-1987, f. & ef. 6-11-87; WRD 16-1990, f. & cert. ef. 8-23-90; WRD 9-1992, f. & cert. ef. 7-1-92, Renumbered from 690-011-0110; WRD 1-1996, f. & cert. ef. 1-31-96, Renumbered from 690-011-0225; WRD 1-2012, f. 1-31-12, cert. ef. 2-1-12Stat. Auth.: ORS 536.025 & 536.027
Stats. Implemented: ORS 536.220, 536.300, 536.310, 537.250, 537.338, 537.356 - 537.358, 537.630 & 540 & 543