- Section 690-019-0010 - Purpose of Rules
- Section 690-019-0020 - Definitions
- Section 690-019-0030 - Duration of Drought Declaration
- Section 690-019-0040 - Emergency Water Use Permit
- Section 690-019-0050 - Incomplete Applications
- Section 690-019-0055 - Temporary Drought Transfers
- Section 690-019-0058 - Temporary Drought Instream Leases
- Section 690-019-0059 - Temporary Substitution of Supplemental Ground Water Right for Surface Water Primary Right
- Section 690-019-0060 - Potential Liability
- Section 690-019-0070 - Preference of Use, Human Consumption and Livestock
- Section 690-019-0080 - Option or Agreement for Use of Existing Right
- Section 690-019-0085 - Renewal Process for Drought Water Use Authorizations
- Section 690-019-0090 - Requirement for Conservation and Curtailment Plans
- Section 690-019-0100 - Schedule of Fees
- Section 690-019-0105 - Fee Refund