- Section 660-038-0000 - Purpose
- Section 660-038-0010 - Definitions
- Section 660-038-0020 - Applicability
- Section 660-038-0030 - Residential Land Need
- Section 660-038-0040 - Determine the Mix of Dwelling Units Needed
- Section 660-038-0050 - Determine Amount of Land Needed for Each Housing Type
- Section 660-038-0060 - Buildable Lands Inventory (BLI) for Residential Land within the UGB
- Section 660-038-0070 - Adjust Residential Lands Inventory to Account for Constrained Lands
- Section 660-038-0080 - Compare Residential Land Need to Land Supply
- Section 660-038-0090 - Employment Land Need
- Section 660-038-0100 - Forecast Employment Growth Based on Population Growth
- Section 660-038-0110 - Forecast Employment Growth Based on Oregon Employment Department Forecast
- Section 660-038-0120 - Inventory of Buildable Employment Land within the UGB
- Section 660-038-0130 - Adjust Employment Buildable Land Inventory to Account for Constrained Lands
- Section 660-038-0140 - Translate Job Forecast to Employment Land Need
- Section 660-038-0150 - Determine if UGB Expansion is Necessary to Accommodate Employment Needs
- Section 660-038-0160 - Establishment of Study Area to Evaluate Land for Inclusion in the UGB
- Section 660-038-0170 - Evaluation of Land in the Study Area for Inclusion in the UGB; Priorities
- Section 660-038-0180 - Planning Requirements for Land added to a UGB
- Section 660-038-0190 - Additional Planning for Residential Lands Added to the UGB
- Section 660-038-0200 - Serviceability
- Section 660-038-0210 - Plan Changes Following a Simplified Urban Growth Boundary Evaluation