The current annual Oregon Sport Fishing Regulations provide requirements for the Columbia River Zone. However, additional regulations may be adopted in this rule division from time to time, and, to the extent of any inconsistency, they supersede the current annual Oregon Sport Fishing Regulations.
(1) Sections 2 through 7 of this rule replace the Exceptions to Columbia River Zone Regulations for the Columbia River on pages 74 and 75 of the 2024 Oregon Sport Fishing Regulations. In the areas described by sections 2 through 7 of this rule, each angler aboard a vessel may continue to use angling gear until the daily limit of fish for all legally licensed and juvenile anglers aboard has been achieved. However, no individual angler may exceed any personal daily bag limit.(2) In the mainstem Columbia River from the Buoy 10 line up to a line projected from Rocky Point on the Washington bank through Red Buoy 44 to the navigation light at Tongue Point on the Oregon bank the following regulations apply: (a) The minimum length for adult coho salmon is 16 inches;(b) Effective October 1 through December 31 retention of hatchery coho salmon is allowed;(c) Effective September 12 through December 31 retention of adult Chinook salmon is allowed. No more than one adult Chinook salmon may be retained per day;(d) Effective November 1 through December 31 retention of hatchery steelhead is allowed; and(e) The Columbia River South Jetty is open to salmon angling seven days a week when the fall Buoy 10 or adjacent ocean salmon fishery is open.(3) In the mainstem Columbia River from a line projected from Rocky Point on the Washington bank through Red Buoy 44 to the navigation light at Tongue Point on the Oregon bank up to the west Puget Island line (defined as a line at the west end of Puget Island extending from green navigation marker #39 on the Washington shore to green navigation marker #41, then to red navigation marker #42, and terminating at red navigation marker #44A on the Oregon shore) the following regulations apply: (a) Effective August 1 through December 31 retention of hatchery coho salmon is allowed;(b) Effective September 12 through December 31 retention of Chinook salmon is allowed. No more than one adult Chinook salmon may be retained per day;(c) Effective November 1 through December 31 retention of hatchery steelhead is allowed; and(d) Effective August 1 through December 31 retention of hatchery cutthroat trout is allowed.(4) In the mainstem Columbia River from the west Puget Island line upstream to the Bachelor Island/Warrior Rock line (defined as a line projected from the Warrior Rock lighthouse on the Oregon shore to red USCG buoy #4, then to the piling dolphin on the lower end of Bachelor Island), the following regulations apply: (a) Effective September 20 through December 31 the following regulations apply:(A) Retention of Chinook salmon is allowed; and(B) No more than one adult Chinook salmon may be retained per day.(b) Effective November 1 through December 31 retention of hatchery coho salmon and hatchery steelhead is allowed.(c) Effective August 1 through December 31 retention of hatchery cutthroat trout is allowed.(5) In the mainstem Columbia River from the Bachelor Island/Warrior Rock line (defined as a line projected from the Warrior Rock lighthouse on the Oregon shore to red USCG buoy #4, then to the piling dolphin on the lower end of Bachelor Island) upstream to the Bonneville Dam deadline, the following regulations apply: (a) Effective August 1 through December 31 the following regulations apply: (A) Retention of Chinook salmon is allowed; and(B) No more than one adult Chinook salmon may be retained per day.(b) Effective November 1 through December 31 retention of hatchery coho and hatchery steelhead is allowed.(c) Effective August 1 through December 31 from the Bachelor Island/Warrior Rock line (defined as a line projected from the Warrior Rock lighthouse on the Oregon shore to red USCG buoy #4, then to the piling dolphin on the lower end of Bachelor Island) upstream to the I-5 Bridge, retention of hatchery cutthroat trout is allowed.(d) All angling is prohibited Inside the south navigation lock at Bonneville Dam from a marker on the western-most point of Robins Island to a marker on the Oregon mainland shore.(e) Bank angling is prohibited: (A) From Bradford Island below Bonneville Dam from south shore between the dam and a line perpendicular to the shoreline marker at west end of riprap and from north shore between fishway entrance and a line perpendicular to the shoreline marker 850 ft downstream; and(B) From Robins Island below Bonneville Dam downstream to a line perpendicular to the shoreline marker on mooring cell.(f) Angling from a floating device or using a floating device to set lines is prohibited in the area between Bonneville Dam and a line crossing the river below the dam marked by the boat-restricted zone sign on the Oregon shore at the westernmost tip of Robins Island to the boat-restricted zone sign approximately 50 feet above the Hamilton Island boat ramp on the Washington shore (USACE Boat Restricted Zone).(g) Effective November 1 through December 31 salmon angling from a floating device is prohibited from Beacon Rock upstream to the Bonneville Dam deadline.(6) In the mainstem Columbia River from Bonneville Dam upstream to The Dalles Dam, the following regulations apply: (a) Effective August 1 through December 31 the following regulations apply: (A) Retention of Chinook salmon is allowed; and(B) No more than one adult Chinook salmon may be retained per day.(b) Effective November 1 through December 31 the following regulations apply: (A) Retention of hatchery coho salmon and hatchery steelhead is allowed; and(B) Retention of wild coho salmon is allowed upstream of the Hood River Bridge.(c) Effective August 1 through December 31 when angling for salmon and steelhead, a single-point hook with a gap size no larger than three-quarters inch is required for all nonbuoyant lures except when trolling from a vessel or floating device.(d) Only single-point hooks are allowed when angling at Cascade Locks in the area between the boat ramp at the lower end of the locks upstream to the east (upstream) end of the lock wall.(e) Angling is prohibited: (A) From Bonneville Dam upstream to a line across the river 1,000 feet from the dam as indicated by USACE signs; and(B) From the Interstate Hwy 197 bridge at The Dalles upstream to the upper line of The Dalles Dam, except bank angling is permitted above the Hwy bridge for 1,100 feet to the cyclone fence.(7) In the mainstem Columbia River from The Dalles Dam upstream to the OR/WA border (upstream of McNary Dam), the following regulations apply: (a) Effective November 1 through December 31 the following regulations apply: (A) Retention of Chinook salmon is allowed;(B) No more than one adult Chinook salmon may be retained per day; and(C) Retention of hatchery steelhead is allowed.(b) Effective October 14 through December 31 retention of coho salmon is allowed.(c) Effective August 1 through December 31 when angling for salmon and steelhead, a single-point hook with a gap size no larger than three-quarters inch is required for all nonbuoyant lures except when trolling from a vessel or floating device.(d) Angling is prohibited: (A) From John Day Dam downstream approximately 3,000 feet except that bank angling is permitted up to 600 feet below the fishway entrance; and(B) From a floating device in USACE designated hazard zones above and below McNary Dam.(8) The following waterbodies and sections thereof are subject to the regulations for the portion of the Columbia River into which they flow (noted in parenthesis): (a) Eagle Creek from the mouth upstream to the mainline railroad bridge. (Section 6 of this rule);(b) Herman Creek (A) East of peninsula from the markers at the mouth upstream to the mainline railroad bridge. (Section 6 of this rule) except closed August 16 through November 30;(B) Youth and Disabled Angler Angling Area, West of peninsula from the markers at the mouth to lower Herman Creek Pond structure. (Section 6 of this rule);(C) Herman Creek Lagoon, East of the line from northwest tip of the jetty, south to marker on shore. (Section 6 of this rule);(c) Plympton Creek from the mouth upstream to the mainline railroad bridge. (Section 4 of this rule);(d) Tanner Creek from the mouth upstream to the mainline railroad bridge. (Section 5 of this rule);(e) Bridal Veil Creek from the mouth upstream to the mainline railroad bridge. (Section 5 of this rule);(f) Wahkeena Creek from the mouth upstream to the mainline railroad bridge. (Section 5 of this rule);(g) Horsetail Creek from the mouth upstream to the mainline railroad bridge. (Section 5 of this rule); and(h) Oneonta Creek from the mouth upstream to the mainline railroad bridge. (Section 5 of this rule).Or. Admin. Code § 635-023-0130
DFW 153-2016, f. 12-28-16, cert. ef. 1-1-17; DFW 142-2016(Temp), f. 11-4-16, cert. ef. 11-5-16 thru 12-31-16; DFW 135-2016(Temp), f. 10-20-16, cert. ef. 10-22-16 thru 12-31-16; DFW 122-2016(Temp), f. 9-22-16, cert. ef. 9-23-16 thru 12-31-16; DFW 119-2016(Temp), f. 9-14-16, cert. ef. 9-15-16 thru 12-31-16; DFW 115-2016(Temp), f. 9-13-16, cert. ef. 9-15-16 thru 12-31-16; DFW 112-2016(Temp), f. 8-31-16, cert. ef. 9-6-16 thru 12-31-16; DFW 110-2016(Temp), f. 8-29-16, cert. ef. 9-1-16 thru 12-31-16 DFW 95-2016(Temp), f. 7-27-16, cert. ef. 8-1-16 thru 12-31-16; DFW 167-2015, f. 12-29-15, cert. ef. 1-1-16; DFW 115-2015(Temp), f. 8-28-15, cert. ef. 8-29-15 thru 12-31-15; DFW 113-2015(Temp), f. 8-21-15, cert. ef. 8-23-15 thru 12-31-15; DFW 95-2015(Temp), f. 7-29-15, cert. ef. 8-1-15 thru 12-31-15; DFW 165-2014, f. 12-18-14, cert. ef. 1-1-15; DFW 143-2014(Temp), f. 10-2-14, cert. ef. 10-3-14 thru 12-31-14; DFW 128-2014(Temp), f. 9-3-14, cert. ef. 9-6-14 thru 9-30-14; DFW 100-2014(Temp), f. 7-22-14, cert. ef. 8-1-14 thru 12-31-14; DFW 96-2014(Temp), f. 7-18-14, cert. ef. 8-1-14 thru 12-31-14;DFW 137-2013, f. 12-19-13, cert. ef. 1-1-14; DFW 107-2013(Temp), f. 9-25-13, cert. ef. 9-26-13 thru 12-31-13; DFW 100-2013(Temp), f. 9-12-13, cert. ef. 9-13-13 thru 12-31-13;DFW 92-2013(Temp), f. 8-22-13, cert. ef. 8-23-13 thru 12-31-13 DFW 81-2013(Temp), f. 7-26-13, cert. ef. 8-1-13 thru 12-31-13; DFW 149-2012, f. 12-27-12, cert. ef. 1-1-13; DFW 100-2012(Temp), f. 7-31-12, cert. ef. 8-1-12 thru 12-31-12; DFW 163-2011, f. 12-27-11, cert. ef. 1-1-12; DFW 127-2011(Temp), f. 9-14-11, cert. ef. 9-16-11 thru 12-31-11; DFW 100-2011(Temp), f. 7-27-11, cert. ef. 8-1-11 thru 12-31-11; DFW 171-2010, f. 12-30-10, cert. ef. 1-1-11; DFW 145-2010(Temp), f. 10-13-10, cert. ef. 10-15-10 thru 12-31-10; DFW 131-2010(Temp), f. 9-21-10, cert. ef. 9-22-10 thru 10-31-10; DFW 77-2010, f. 6-8-10, cert. ef. 6-16-10; DFW 144-2009, f. 12-8-09, cert. ef. 1-1-10; DFW 133-2009(Temp), f. 10-20-09, cert. ef. 10-22-09 thru 12-31-09; DFW 52-2009, f. & cert. ef. 5-18-09; DFW 156-2008, f. 12-31-08, cert. ef. 1-1-09; DFW 118-2008(Temp), f. 9-24-08, cert. ef. 9-25-08 thru 12-31-08; DFW 115-2008(Temp), f. & cert. ef. 9-18-08 thru 12-31-08; DFW 104-2008(Temp), f. 8-29-08, cert. ef. 8-31-08 thru 12-31-08; DFW 99-2008(Temp), f. 8-22-08, cert. ef. 8-25-08 thru 12-31-08; DFW 36-2008, f. 4-21-08, cert. ef. 5-1-08; DFW 136-2007, f. 12-31-07, cert. ef. 1-1-08; DFW 101-2007(Temp), f. 9-28-07, cert. ef. 9-29-07 thru 12-31-07; DFW 96-2007(Temp), f. 9-21-07, cert. ef. 9-22-07 thru 12-31-07; DFW 92-2007(Temp), f. 9-18-07, cert. ef. 9-19-07 thru 12-31-07; DFW 24-2007, f. 4-16-07, cert. ef. 5-1-07; DFW 113-2006(Temp), f. 10-12-06, cert. ef. 10-13-06 thru 12-31-06; DFW 109-2006(Temp), f. 9-29-06, cert. ef. 9-30-06 thru 12-31-06; DFW 100-2006(Temp), f. & cert. ef. 9-14-06 thru 12-31-06; DFW 79-2006, f. 8-11-06, cert. ef. 1-1-07; DFW 26-2006(Temp), f. 4-20-06, cert. ef. 5-1-06 thru 10-27-06; DFW 136-2005, f. 12-7-05, cert. ef. 1-1-06; DFW 123-2005(Temp), f. 10-18-05, cert. ef. 10-20-05 thru 12-31-05; DFW 112-2005(Temp), f. 9-28-05, cert. ef. 9-30-05 thru 12-31-05; DFW 108-2005(Temp), f. 9-15-05, cert. ef. 9-17-05 thru 12-31-05; DFW 84-2005(Temp), f. & cert. ef. 8-1-05 thru 12-31-05; DFW 25-2005, f. & cert. ef. 4-15-05; DFW 117-2004, f. 12-13-04, cert. ef. 1-1-05; DFW 96-2004(Temp), f. 9-20-04, cert. ef. 9-30-04 thru 12-31-04; DFW 92-2004(Temp), f. 9-2-04 cert. ef. 9-6-04 thru 12-31-04; DFW 32-2004, f. 4-22-04, cert. ef. 5-1-04; DFW 97-2017(Temp), f. 7-26-17, cert. ef. 8-1-17 thru 12-31-17; DFW 109-2017, f. 8-9-17, cert. ef. 1/1/2018; DFW 140-2017, temporary amend filed 10/27/2017, effective 10/28/2017 through 12/31/2017; DFW 103-2018, temporary amend filed 07/31/2018, effective 08/01/2018 through 12/31/2018; DFW 111-2018, temporary amend filed 08/07/2018, effective 08/09/2018 through 12/31/2018; DFW 122-2018, temporary amend filed 08/24/2018, effective 08/27/2018 through 12/31/2018; DFW 130-2018, temporary amend filed 09/05/2018, effective 09/06/2018 through 12/31/2018; DFW 134-2018, temporary amend filed 09/12/2018, effective 09/13/2018 through 12/31/2018; DFW 143-2018, temporary amend filed 09/20/2018, effective 09/24/2018 through 12/31/2018; DFW 152-2018, amend filed 09/28/2018, effective 1/1/2019; DFW 74-2019, temporary amend filed 06/13/2019, effective 8/1/2019 through 12/31/2019; DFW 114-2019, temporary amend filed 08/09/2019, effective 08/09/2019 through 12/31/2019; DFW 124-2019, temporary amend filed 08/23/2019, effective 09/03/2019 through 12/31/2019; DFW 126-2019, temporary amend filed 08/28/2019, effective 9/3/2019 through 12/31/2019; DFW 129-2019, temporary amend filed 09/04/2019, effective 09/06/2019 through 12/31/2019; DFW 139-2019, temporary amend filed 09/25/2019, effective 9/25/2019 through 12/31/2019; DFW 161-2019, temporary amend filed 10/17/2019, effective 10/18/2019 through 12/31/2019; DFW 175-2019, amend filed 12/12/2019, effective 1/1/2020; DFW 59-2020, temporary amend filed 05/14/2020, effective 8/1/2020 through 12/31/2020; DFW 116-2020, temporary amend filed 09/04/2020, effective 09/05/2020 through 12/31/2020; DFW 118-2020, temporary amend filed 09/10/2020, effective 09/11/2020 through 12/31/2020; DFW 124-2020, temporary amend filed 09/18/2020, effective 09/19/2020 through 12/31/2020; DFW 134-2020, temporary amend filed 09/30/2020, effective 10/1/2020 through 12/31/2020; DFW 145-2020, temporary amend filed 10/30/2020, effective 11/1/2020 through 12/31/2020; DFW 149-2020, temporary amend filed 12/03/2020, effective 12/03/2020 through 12/31/2020; DFW 157-2020, amend filed 12/22/2020, effective 1/1/2021; DFW 112-2021, temporary amend filed 07/30/2021, effective 08/01/2021 through 12/31/2021; DFW 125-2021, temporary amend filed 08/26/2021, effective 08/27/2021 through 12/31/2021; DFW 129-2021, temporary amend filed 09/03/2021, effective 09/04/2021 through 12/31/2021; DFW 141-2021, temporary amend filed 09/10/2021, effective 09/11/2021 through 12/31/2021; DFW 144-2021, temporary amend filed 09/15/2021, effective 09/17/2021 through 12/31/2021; DFW 157-2021, temporary amend filed 10/01/2021, effective 10/01/2021 through 12/31/2021; DFW 176-2021, amend filed 12/15/2021, effective 1/1/2022; DFW 92-2022, temporary amend filed 07/19/2022, effective 08/01/2022 through 12/31/2022; DFW 115-2022, temporary amend filed 08/30/2022, effective 08/30/2022 through 12/31/2022; DFW 116-2022, temporary amend filed 08/31/2022, effective 08/31/2022 through 12/31/2022; DFW 118-2022, temporary amend filed 09/01/2022, effective 09/02/2022 through 12/31/2022; DFW 126-2022, temporary amend filed 09/14/2022, effective 09/15/2022 through 12/31/2022; DFW 136-2022, temporary amend filed 09/29/2022, effective 10/01/2022 through 12/31/2022; DFW 142-2022, temporary amend filed 10/06/2022, effective 10/8/2022 through 12/31/2022; DFW 153-2022, amend filed 12/19/2022, effective 1/1/2023; DFW 69-2023, temporary amend filed 07/25/2023, effective 8/1/2023 through 12/31/2023; DFW 106-2023, temporary amend filed 10/05/2023, effective 10/16/2023 through 12/31/2023; DFW 90-2023, temporary amend filed 09/07/2023, effective 09/08/2023 through 12/31/2023; DFW 93-2023, temporary amend filed 09/14/2023, effective 09/15/2023 through 12/31/2023; DFW 99-2023, temporary amend filed 09/21/2023, effective 09/21/2023 through 12/31/2023; DFW 106-2023, temporary amend filed 10/05/2023, effective 10/16/2023 through 12/31/2023; DFW 119-2023, amend filed 12/27/2023, effective 1/1/2024; DFW 62-2024, temporary amend filed 07/31/2024, effective 8/1/2024 through 12/31/2024; DFW 77-2024, temporary amend filed 09/11/2024, effective 9/12/2024 through 12/31/2024; DFW 83-2024, temporary amend filed 09/18/2024, effective 9/20/2024 through 12/31/2024; DFW 87-2024, temporary amend filed 09/26/2024, effective 9/27/2024 through 12/31/2024; DFW 95-2024, temporary amend filed 10/11/2024, effective 10/14/2024 through 12/31/2024; DFW 102-2024, temporary amend filed 10/31/2024, effective 11/1/2024 through 12/31/2024Statutory/Other Authority: ORS 496.138 & ORS 496.146
Statutes/Other Implemented: ORS 496.162