When the department gives any written direction concerning the drilling, testing, or other operations conducted with respect to any geothermal well or prospect well drilled, in the process of being drilled, redrilled, deepened, altered, or in the process of being decommissioned, and the operator, owner, or designated agent of either, serves written notice, either personally or by mail, addressed to the department, requesting that a definite order be made upon such subject, the department will, within a reasonable time after receipt of the notice, deliver a final written order on the subject matter. Any such final written order of the department may be appealed to the board and further redress may be sought in the manner provided in ORS Chapter 183 for appeals from final orders in contested cases.
Or. Admin. Code § 632-020-0110
Stat. Auth.: ORS 522
Stats. Implemented: ORS 522.305