Or. Admin. Code § 629-048-0100
Current through Register Vol. 64, No. 1, January 1, 2025
Section 629-048-0100 - Regulated Areas(1) All lands classified as "forestland" under ORS 526.305 to 526.370 and all forestland managed by a federal agency regardless of whether or not classified, within a forest protection district, are subject to regulation of prescribed burning pursuant to 477.013. The level of regulation may vary according to specific classification; e.g., Class 1, 2 or 3 forestland as described in 526.305 to 526.370.(2) Class 1 forestland in western Oregon, and all forestland managed by a federal land management agency statewide, within a forest protection district, is subject to burn registration at least seven days in advance (OAR 629-048-0300), fee administration (629-048-0310), compliance with smoke management forecast instructions (629-048-0230), and reporting of accomplishments (629-048-0320). The forestlands and applicable regulations listed in this section may be referred to as "level 1 regulation."(3) All other non-federal forestland within a forest protection district, including, but not limited to, private forestlands in eastern Oregon and Class 3 private forestland in western Oregon is subject to burn registration (OAR 629-048-0300) and reporting of accomplishments (629-048-0320) but is not subject to fee administration or compliance with smoke management forecast instructions. The forestlands and applicable regulations listed in this section may be referred to as "level 2 regulation."(4) All prescribed burning on forestland within a forest protection district is subject to suspension of burning by the forester under ORS 477.520 due to conditions such as air stagnation or fire danger.Or. Admin. Code § 629-048-0100
DOF 4-2007, f. 12-31-07, cert. ef. 1-1-08Stat. Auth: ORS 477.013, 477.562 (as amended by ch. 213, OL 2007, Enrolled HB 2973), 526.016, 526.041
Stats. Implemented: ORS 477.013, 477.515, 477.562 (as amended by ch. 213, OL 2007, Enrolled HB 2973)