Or. Admin. Code § 629-028-0001
Current through Register Vol. 64, No. 1, January 1, 2025
Section 629-028-0001 - DefinitionsThe following terms and definitions shall apply to this division, unless the context otherwise requires:
(1) "Board" means the Oregon State Board of Forestry. (2) "Department" means Oregon Department of Forestry. (3) "Forester" means the State Forester or an authorized representative. (4) "Harvest" means to separate by cutting, digging, prying, picking, peeling, breaking, pulling, splitting or otherwise removing a special forest product from its physical connection or point of contact with the ground or vegetation upon which it was growing; or the place or position where it lay. (5) "Landowner" means an individual, combination of individuals, partnership, corporation or association of whatever nature that holds an ownership interest in forestland, including the state, and any political subdivision thereof. (6) "Landowner representative" means an employee, agent or designee of a landowner. (7) "Permittee" means a person who possesses a valid permit. (8) "Permit Fee" means a charge made by the Forester to recover costs of administering the woodcutting permit program. (9) "Special Forest Products" means plants, lichens, fungi, and other materials collected from the forest for various uses including subsistence, education, research, recreation, and commercial enterprise as described in this section: (a) Bark and needles of the Pacific yew (Taxus brevifolia); (b) Bear grass (Xerophyllum tenas), (c) Boughs, branches, leaves, flowers, stalks, roots, pitch, bark, stems, and other forest plant parts; (d) Burls, fiddleback and other music wood, or other figured or decorative-grained wood; (e) Cascara bark from the cascara tree (Rhamnus purshiana); (f) Cedar salvage, including cedar chunks, slabs, stumps, and logs that are more than one cubic foot in volume; (g) Conks and other fungi; (h) Cut or picked conifer foliage, including, but not limited to wild Christmas trees, tree boughs, bark, cones, and other vegetative products not harvested in log form. (i) Cut or picked evergreen foliage, bark, and shrubs, including, but not limited to, huckleberry, Oregon grape, rhododendron, and salal; (j) Cut or picked juniper foliage, berries, bark, limbs, or juniper split posts, poles, pickets, stakes or rails, or other round or split products of juniper; (l) Firewood, meaning pieces of wood that are less than 48 inches in length, and in a form commonly used for burning in campfires, stoves or fireplaces; (m) Herbs, nuts, seeds, and fruits; (n) Moss, lichen, and algae; (o) Native trees, shrubs, bulbs, and grasses, including, but not limited to trees, shrubs, bulbs, and grasses that are not nursery grown and that have been removed from the ground with roots intact; (q) Round or split posts, poles, pickets, stakes or rails, shakeboards, shake-bolts, shingle bolts or other round or split products of any forest tree species; (r) Vine maple clumps and cuttings; (s) Wildflowers, mistletoe, and cacti; (t) Wild edible fungi, regardless of species, that have not been cultivated or propagated by artificial means; (10) Special forest products does not mean mill ends, driftwood and artificially fabricated fireplace logs. (11) "State Forest Lands" means those lands managed by the Forester under authority of ORS 530.010 to ORS 530.520. (12) "Transportation" means the physical conveyance of special forest products away from a harvest or collection site and includes, but is not limited to, transportation in or on a motor vehicle or trailer, both as defined for purposes of the Oregon Vehicle Code; or a boat, barge, raft or other water vessel; or an airplane, helicopter, balloon, or other aircraft. (13) "Woodcutting Permit" means a permit issued by the Forester to an individual authorizing permittee to gather, salvage, cut, and remove not over two cords of wood fiber from State forest lands for personal use as domestic fuel. Or. Admin. Code § 629-028-0001
FB 9-1980, f. & ef. 10-14-80; Renumbered from 629-028-0005, DOF 1-2014, f. 6-12-14, cert. ef. 7-1-14Stat. Auth.: ORS 526, ORS 530
Stats. Implemented: ORS 526.005, 530.010 - 530.020, 164.813 & 164.814