Or. Admin. Code § 629-022-0110
Current through Register Vol. 64, No. 1, January 1, 2025
Section 629-022-0110 - Eligible Landowners and Land(1) Only Nonindustrial Private Forestland owners with less than 5,000 acres of Forestland or up to 15,000 acres of Low Site Forestland in Oregon are eligible to receive funds under the cost-share program.(2) Nonindustrial private and other qualified private and local government Forestland owners are eligible to receive funds under the loan program.(3) Eligible Forestland must be Underproducing Forestland or other Forestland that is: (a) At least 10 contiguous acres in size;(b) Identified in the county comprehensive plan as forest, farm or conservation use;(c) Located outside urban growth boundaries or residential zones, as identified in the county comprehensive plan;(d) Free from all obligations under the Forest Practices Act;(e) Free of any "no tree cutting" or "no timber harvest" covenants or encumbrances;(f) Under no current petition before a county requesting a land use change to avoid reforestation under ORS 527.760; and(g) Currently under no application for a claim for, or has received, economic compensation for or waiver from Forestland zoning restrictions or requirements of the Oregon Forest Practices Act.Or. Admin. Code § 629-022-0110
FB 4-1994, f. & cert. ef. 8-3-94; DOF 2-2007, f. 1-10-07 cert. ef. 1-11-07; DOF 1-2009, f. 1-12-09, cert. ef 2-1-09Stat. Auth.: ORS 526.700 - 526.730 & 526.745
Stats. Implemented: ORS 526.695 - 526.775