Or. Admin. Code § 584-019-0035

Current through Register Vol. 64, No. 1, January 1, 2025
Section 584-019-0035 - Settlement of Cases Prior to Hearing
(1) A "Settlement Agreement" is a written agreement in a disciplinary proceeding that includes:
(a) A stipulation to an order that is signed by the educator;
(b) A consent by the educator to a negotiated default order; or
(c) An agreement between the educator and the commission staff to resolution of a disciplinary matter without a contested hearing.
(2) The Executive Director will not accept a settlement agreement unless it is signed by the educator and the educator's attorney, if any.
(3) All matters not settled in accordance with subsection (2) of this rule will be determined through a contested case hearing in accordance with OAR 137-003-0501 through 137-003-0700 or will be determined through entry of a default order or voluntary surrender of the educator's license, school nurse certificate or charter school registration.

Or. Admin. Code § 584-019-0035

TS 6-1996, f. & cert. ef. 12-9-96; TS 4-1997, f. 9-25-97, cert. ef. 10-4-97; TSPC 7-2007, f. & cert. ef. 12-14-07

Stat. Auth.: ORS 342

Stats. Implemented: ORS 342.175, 342.176, 342.177, 342.180 & 342.190