Or. Admin. Code § 581-018-0529
Current through Register Vol. 64, No. 1, January 1, 2025
Section 581-018-0529 - Criteria(1) The Oregon Department of Education shall establish a request for proposal solicitation and approval process to be conducted for the American Indian/Alaskan Native Culturally Relevant Teaching, Learning, and Pedagogy Grant Program funds. All proposals must comply with the requirements of ORS 342.950 and rules adopted to implement that section.(2) Grants shall be awarded based on the following criteria: (a) Whether the grant application identifies how the funds will be used to reach the 40-40-20 goal and improve education outcomes for American Indian/Alaskan Native students as identified by the Oregon Equity Lens;(b) Whether the grant application describes a strong and robust plan to close achievement gaps for American Indian/Alaskan Native students;(c) Whether the grant application describes expected outcomes and a strong and robust plan to achieve those outcomes; and(d) Whether the grant applications demonstrates how partners will collaborate on a mutually designed proposal in which all essential parties participate.(3) The Department shall give priority to proposals that meet the minimum criteria and that demonstrate the use of evidence-based or best practice models of the required elements specific to American Indian/Alaskan Native: (a) Culturally Responsive Pedagogy: (A) Communication of high expectations.(B) Teacher as facilitator within classroom.(C) Integration of students' prior knowledge and skills through cultural activities, language, ways of life, the arts, and traditional knowledge system.(D) Positive perspectives on parents and families of culturally and linguistically diverse students.(E) Cultural sensitivity.(F) Curricular decisions.(G) Culturally mediated instruction.(H) Student-centered, student-controlled classroom discourse.(b) Culturally Responsive Leadership: (A) Commitment to reform the educational system to reflect culturally responsiveness through organization of the school and school policies and procedures.(B) Reshaping the curriculum.(C) Professional development that is grounded in the principles of culturally responsive teaching.(c) Culturally Responsive Community Engagement: (A) Collaboration with one or more of the Tribes in Oregon or Title VII Indian Education Program.(B) Postsecondary institution.(C) Education Service Districts.(D) Local American Indian/Alaskan Native communities and organizations.(E) Community involvement of stakeholders (families, advocacy organizations, and other private, non-profit, business, faith-based organizations).(F) Communication with families that is regular, uses diverse media and shares student achievement status and goals.(d) Culturally Responsive Pre-Service and In-Service for Teachers: (A) Coursework and field experiences for pre-service teachers that focuses on culturally responsive teaching, learning, and practice that: (i) Reflects relevant research;(iii) Ensures principles of culturally responsive pedagogy.(B) Includes collaboration with institutes of higher education (specifically Oregon Native American Indian Education Teacher Programs).(e) Provide a sustainability plan to continue the program for at least two years after the grant funding has ended.(f) The extent to which the proposal clearly documents its capacity to implement and carry out programming and services for American Indian/Alaskan Native culturally responsive pedagogy, practices, and professional development and demonstrates intentions to work in a collaboration with identified partners.Or. Admin. Code § 581-018-0529
ODE 18-2014(Temp), f. & cert. ef. 3-28-14 thru 9-24-14; ODE 23-2014, f. & cert. ef. 6-24-14; ODE 34-2016, f. & cert. ef. 5/17/2016; ODE 90-2019, minor correction filed 08/26/2019, effective 8/26/2019; ODE 140-2019, amend filed 09/23/2019, effective 9/23/2019Statutory/Other Authority: ORS 342.950
Statutes/Other Implemented: ORS 342.950