Or. Admin. Code § 581-015-2230
Current through Register Vol. 64, No. 1, January 1, 2025
Section 581-015-2230 - Transfer Students(1) In state: If a child with a disability (who had an IEP that was in effect in a previous school district in Oregon) transfers to a new district in Oregon, and enrolls in a new school within the same school year, the new school district (in consultation with the child's parents) must provide a free appropriate public education to the child (including services comparable to those described in the child's IEP from the previous district), until the new district either: (a) Adopts the child's IEP from the previous school district; or(b) Develops, adopts and implements a new IEP for the child.(2) Out of state: If a child with a disability (who had an IEP that was in effect in a previous school district in another state) transfers to a new district in Oregon, and enrolls in a new school within the same school year, the new school district (in consultation with the child's parents) must provide a free appropriate public education to the child (including services comparable to those described in the child's IEP from the previous district), until the new district: (a) Conducts an initial evaluation (if determined necessary by the new district); and(b) Develops, adopts and implements a new IEP, if appropriate, that meets applicable requirements.Or. Admin. Code § 581-015-2230
ODE 10-2007, f. & cert. ef. 4-25-07Stat. Auth.: ORS 343.041, 343.045, 343.055;
Stats. Implemented: ORS 343.045, 343.155, 34 CFR 300.323