Or. Admin. Code § 543-040-0020
Current through Register Vol. 64, No. 1, January 1, 2025
Section 543-040-0020 - Population Determination(1) The State Librarian shall use the population estimates for cities and counties included in the publication, Population Estimates for Oregon, published by the Population Research Center, Portland State University, as amended by the latest supplements to this publication.(2) To determine the population of special districts, school districts or other districts whose boundaries are within a single county but are not identical to those of a county or of cities, the State Librarian shall estimate the population of the district based on the number of registered voters in the district, as of June 1. Using the ratio of registered voters in the county to the official population of the county, the State Librarian shall apply this same ratio to the district in order to estimate the district population.(3) In accordance with ORS 357.780(2)(c), a public library may be assigned population beyond its governing authority's jurisdiction in cases where the library has a valid contract with a unit of local government to provide services to this population. The contract, which must be on file at the State Library, must grant the library the sole responsibility to serve the population in question, and the population must be specified in the contract in a clear and precise manner, in order for additional population to be assigned for grant purposes. Public libraries established as non-profit corporations under Oregon law may be assigned population and may receive grants only in this manner.(4) In cases other than those described in section (3) of this rule, where the same population is served by two or more public libraries, the State Librarian shall determine which public library is the primary service provider to the population in question, and shall assign the population to the primary service provider. In making this determination the State Librarian shall consider the location of library facilities and any available statistics on patterns of library use by the population in question.Or. Admin. Code § 543-040-0020
OSL 1-1980, f. & ef. 9-29-80; OSL 1-1989, f. 4-18-89, cert. ef. 4-17-89; OSL2-1991, f. 11-26-91, cert. ef. 12-1-91; OSL 1-1993, f. & cert. ef. 11-10-93; OSL 1-2006, f. & cert. ef. 2-14-06Publications: Publications referenced are available from the agency.
Stat. Auth.: ORS 357.015(2) & 357.760
Stats. Implemented:ORS 357.780(1)(2)