Agreement to Participate in a Confidential Mediation
The agency and the parties to the mediation agree to participate in a mediation in which the mediation communications are confidential and/or nondiscoverable and inadmissible to the extent authorized by OAR 471-008-0000(7) and this agreement. This agreement relates to the following mediation:
(Identify the mediation to which this agreement applies)
___ Confidential and may not be disclosed to any other person
___ Not admissible in any subsequent administrative proceeding and may not be disclosed during testimony in, or during any discovery conducted as part of a subsequent administrative proceeding, or introduced as evidence by the parties or the mediator in any subsequent administrative proceeding
___ Not admissible in any subsequent administrative, judicial or arbitration proceeding and may not be disclosed during testimony in, or during any discovery conducted as part of a subsequent administrative, judicial or arbitration proceeding, or introduced as evidence by the parties or the mediator in any subsequent administrative, judicial or arbitration proceeding
Name of Agency
Signature of Agency's authorized representative Date
(when agency is a party) or Agency employee acting as the mediator (when Agency is mediating the dispute)
Name of party to the mediation
Signature of party's authorized representative Date
Name of party to the mediation
Signature of party's authorized representative Date
Or. Admin. Code § 471-008-0000
Stat. Authority: ORS 36.224, 657.610
Stats. Implemented: ORS 36.224, 36.228, 36.230, 36.232