Or. Admin. Code § 462-200-0190
Current through Register Vol. 64, No. 1, January 1, 2025
Section 462-200-0190 - Pay Out(1) All money wagered on a scratched horse/greyhound shall be refunded. If a horse is left in the starting gate when the doors of the starting gate open at the start, there shall be no refund except on a horse which the stewards determine to be a non-starter. If a greyhound is left in the starting box when the doors of the starting box open at the start, there shall be no refund. However, in any race which is declared "no race" all moneys wagered shall be refunded.(2) If a greyhound is placed in the wrong numbered starting box when the doors of the starting box open, there shall be no refund.(3) Pay outs on wagering may begin as soon as the stewards/judges declare a posted order of finish to be "official." If an error is later discovered in either the order of finish or in the posted pari-mutuel prices, the pools and purses shall be recalculated in the correct manner and all pay outs from that time shall be the corrected adjusted amounts. Holders of pari-mutuel tickets cashed prior to discovery of the error shall not have any claim for additional or corrected amounts.Or. Admin. Code § 462-200-0190
RC 3-2000, f. 3-27-00, cert. ef. 5-1-00Stat. Auth.: ORS 462.270(3)
Stats. Implemented: ORS 462.270(3)