Browse as ListSearch Within- Section 461-190-0151 - Case Planning; JOBS, Pre-TANF, REP, SFPSS, TA-DVS
- Section 461-190-0163 - Restrictions on On-the-Job Training, Unpaid Employment, Work Supplementation; JOBS and REP
- Section 461-190-0171 - Education Requirements for Teen Parents; JOBS
- Section 461-190-0181 - Basic Education for Nonteens; JOBS
- Section 461-190-0183 - Basic Education; REP
- Section 461-190-0197 - Microenterprise Component Closure Effective December 31, 2020
- Section 461-190-0199 - Parents as Scholars
- Section 461-190-0211 - Case Plan Activities and Standards for Support Service Payments; JOBS, Pre-TANF, SFPSS, TANF
- Section 461-190-0212 - Repealed
- Section 461-190-0215 - Case Plan Activities and Standards for Support Services Payments; REF, REP
- Section 461-190-0231 - Re-engagement; JOBS, REP, SFPSS, TA-DVS
- Section 461-190-0241 - Transition Services; JOBS
- Section 461-190-0310 - Limits to the SNAP Employment and Training Programs
- Section 461-190-0360 - Special Payments; SNAP Employment and Training Programs
- Section 461-190-0401 - JOBS Plus Program Applicability
- Section 461-190-0406 - JOBS Plus Program Eligibility
- Section 461-190-0407 - Clients' Individual Education Accounts
- Section 461-190-0411 - Participation of Employers
- Section 461-190-0416 - Supplemental Payments; JOBS
- Section 461-190-0421 - Increased Tax Liability
- Section 461-190-0426 - Termination of Work-Site Agreement
- Section 461-190-0500 - Workfare; SNAP