Or. Admin. Code § 461-180-0030

Current through Register Vol. 64, No. 1, January 1, 2025
Section 461-180-0030 - Effective Dates; Changes in Income or Income Deductions that Cause Reductions

For all cases except those assigned to the SRS or TBA reporting systems, this rule is used to determine the effective date when changes in income or income deductions cause a decrease in benefits. The effective date for reducing benefits is the first day of the month following the month in which the notice period (see OAR 461-175-0050) ends.

Or. Admin. Code § 461-180-0030

AFS 80-1989, f. 12-21-89, cert. ef. 2-1-90; AFS 13-1991, f. & cert. ef. 7-1-91; AFS 2-1992, f. 1-30-92, cert. ef. 2-1-92; AFS 20-1992, f. 7-31-92, cert. ef. 8-1-92; AFS 12-1993, f. & cert. ef. 7-1-93; AFS 2-1994, f. & cert. ef. 2-1-94; SSP 13-2003, f. 6-12-03, cert. ef. 6-16-03; SSP 20-2003, f. & cert. ef. 8-15-03; SSP 28-2009, f. & cert. ef. 10-1-09; SSP 32-2010, f. & cert. ef. 10-1-10

Stat. Auth.: ORS 411.060, 411.404, 411.816, 412.014, 412.049

Stats. Implemented: ORS 411.060, 411.404, 411.816, 412.014, 412.049